Hello! Andalusians have arrived to Jorvik and the space in your Home Stable has increased in this week's update!
New Horses:
- These three beautiful Andalusians have arrived to Silverglade's Equestrian Center. Ride there and check them out! You need to be in level 8 to be able to buy a Andalusian horse.
Beautiful Andalusians!
Stable Space:
- We have increased the number of horses you can keep in your stable and you can now own up to 10 horses!
Coming soon:
- We are happy to announce we are working on a new feature called "Horse Island". Don't have enough room in your stable? Is taking care of all your horses taking up too much time? Horse Island will allow you to send horses on a little vacation! A boat will take your horse out to a beautiful island pasture where they can relax and run free with some new horse friends! This will give you open space in your stable and more time to enjoy the horses you are training actively at the moment. When you want your horse back from the island, simply make sure you have space available in your stable, and at your request your horse will make the trip back fully rested and happy after their vacation. You should never have to sell one of your horses ever again!
Thank you to everyone who sent us their feedback on the stable sizes. Together we can make Star Stable better every day!
Best Regards,
Star Stable Team
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New Horses:
- These three beautiful Andalusians have arrived to Silverglade's Equestrian Center. Ride there and check them out! You need to be in level 8 to be able to buy a Andalusian horse.
Beautiful Andalusians!
Stable Space:
- We have increased the number of horses you can keep in your stable and you can now own up to 10 horses!
Coming soon:
- We are happy to announce we are working on a new feature called "Horse Island". Don't have enough room in your stable? Is taking care of all your horses taking up too much time? Horse Island will allow you to send horses on a little vacation! A boat will take your horse out to a beautiful island pasture where they can relax and run free with some new horse friends! This will give you open space in your stable and more time to enjoy the horses you are training actively at the moment. When you want your horse back from the island, simply make sure you have space available in your stable, and at your request your horse will make the trip back fully rested and happy after their vacation. You should never have to sell one of your horses ever again!
Thank you to everyone who sent us their feedback on the stable sizes. Together we can make Star Stable better every day!
Best Regards,
Star Stable Team
I just recently interviewed Bethany Candlehurricane about what she thinks of the new horses!
Lilli - So Bethany, are you excited about the new horses that just came out?
Bethany - Oh yes! They're all so beautiful! I LOVE the white one!
Lilli - Me too, Although I prefer the bay, it's really pretty.
Bethany - Yes, and the gray one, I want all of them LOL.
Lilli - Me too!
I've already seen many people riding the new Andalusians, their getting really popular! Horse Island seems to be getting a lot of buzz too. Rumors are that I will be out next week! Yay! For this week's challenge, let me know what I should name my new bay Andalusian stallion in the comments below! Sunflower, Daydreamer, and Stargazer seem to be getting really popular! Thanks for tuning in to this week's update, bye for now!
Lovin' the new Andalusians!